I’ve been going to many different places in the first half of 2019. “It’s part of her process of coping”, my mother explains. Even when we're at the home base (temporarily, my aunt’s abode), I still like tagging along to every trip everyone goes to even when they’re only leaving for a doctor’s appointment. Although college friends would say that I am half vampire (afraid of sunlight) and half cavewoman (no access to light so doesn’t go out at dark), my habits around my family are different.

So, when everyone was scheduled to leave the house one day and their agenda I couldn’t be involved in, everyone was worried if I was okay to stay home. And I mean WORRIED. You can hear the concern in their voice and pity in their eyes that I would be locking myself in the four corners of the house for hours. Even my mom who was staying behind with me was willing to go out and do nothing at a mall or something just in case it wasn’t okay for me to laze around.

Truth is, I am fine with it. Honestly. Even though I love going out and strolling around most times, there are times I would just like to stay home and relax. Be bored and fight boredom. Do everything or do nothing.
But If you’re ever stuck at home with no agenda, here are a few not so usual things you could do with your time:

If you’re not really an art enthusiast and don’t own fancy coloring materials, there are probably broken crayons lying around somewhere from way back when you were in grade school. Dig those up and get some fresh paper from your printer tray and you’re good to go. Can’t find any crayons? Black and white art is a thing! Just use any pen you have and get creative with it.

For everyone who lives alone or is designated cook of the household, this suggestion might infuriate you. But think about this: when was the last time you experimented on a new dish? Last week? Last month? Never ever? Well this is the chance to do it! Anything in the pantry will do as long as you understand the science in cooking. You will either surprise your family with a hearty meal. If you’re experimenting alone and it fails, nobody will know! (Food pictured above is obviously not groundbreaking but at least I tried!)

Book reader? Switch things up and look for some highly rated comics. I just read my first comic online yesterday and wow was I wrong to say no to this before (Read: Batman: Court of Owls; Batman: City of Owls). Comic reader? Get yourself a book or look for some interesting short stories online. If I ever want to read something short and quick, I go for stories by The Brothers Grimm (I love the original version of the sappy fairy tales). This may sound weird, but I also enjoy reading synopses of horror movies since I don’t watch them. Also, READ THE NEWS FROM CREDIBLE SOURCES. This is the best place to get lost in online. But whatever you choose, enjoy!

Spotify that isn’t on premium is never a curse. Not being able to pick the specific song you want lets you discover new songs and artists and listen to genres you’re not familiar with. I cannot count how many times I’ve forgotten to renew my subscription and end up adding so many new songs on my liked items, some from famous artists who I’ve never heard of because I was closing myself off from them in my own music bubble. On premium? Go to the playlist of the latest hits and enjoy! Using Youtube? Just let it autoplay!

There are so many new things you could try to do with your free time or old hobbies you could revisit. Get your butt off that couch/bed! But if you want honesty, I wrote this after finishing 100 levels on Matchington Mansion and I’m not even sorry about how I wasted my time. Oh well...