Have you ever been hounded by the chilling idea of the phrase “History repeats itself”? As I skim through history books back in high school, not really bothering to learn the exact dates and locations of things that took place, and intently listening to college professors on their narration of the past, I find myself afraid, thinking about the time in the future when these gruesome battles of freedom and power once again take place. If I (and many others) may say so myself, they’re taking place now, but a mask of roses and rainbows hovers over these reports on our bright screens.

Anyway, I’m not here to talk about guns and blood though. I just thought you might want to wake up from the nap.

Like world history, fashion history also repeats itself. In my 20 years of existence, I’ve already seen animal prints go from okay to trendy to awful and finally back to Anne Hathaway wearing it on the red carpet. 
I remember when I was little, my dad had this tiny leather pouch, that seemed quite unfit for a bank manager, strung to his belt where he would put his phone. To my delight, that didn’t last long. Later, I’d see these pouches, much bigger now, on the waists of people selling goods at the market, tricycle drivers, bus conductors, basically people whose jobs involved a lot of exchanging money. And then in 2019, there’s me (and a bunch of other girls and boys in their teens and twenties), sporting what the fashion industry has popularized as a fanny pack. Gone are the days that the pouch on the waist meant you had a certain kind of job. For the fashionista, this was the bag to bring on a casual day out. Hands-free, carry the world, light as air, barely even there. And although judging eyes may follow and fashion challenged frenemies would ridicule, this one might take a while to circle back down to untrendy. 

ISLAND GIRL belt bag, UNIQLO 2-way blouse, UNIQLO jeans. CHARLES AND KEITH shoes